Post-secondary is an entirely new experience for most high school students.
Although campus visits and second-hand stories can be helpful, they can’t prepare you for what it’s like when you’re there. A lot of advice for post-secondary students covers all the great ways to make good use of your time. But what about those little bad habits you should avoid that no one talks about?
If you’re hoping for a smooth transition and want to avoid falling into any pesky bad habits, here’s a quick start guide to 5 mistakes to avoid as a post-secondary student.
Giving into procrastination
We’re all guilty of bypassing difficult tasks instead of facing them head-on and getting them out of the way. In post-secondary, you’re often expected to learn a large volume of information very quickly, and there’s not always an instructor to help you through the process. What starts as a few skipped readings can suddenly snowball into something insurmountable. Unfortunately, there are no hacks or secret tricks to completing your schoolwork, so it’s best to keep on top of it.
Always complete your assignments as they are given, even if they have longer completion periods. If you have an assignment that is due later in the semester, map out the dates you’ll work on the project leading up to its due date. This will give you a tangible schedule and regular reminders.
Ignoring campus resources
Starting post-secondary is a challenging transition for many students. You’ll have to adopt new study habits, start budgeting, and find effective ways to manage your time while making new friends and supporting your physical and mental well-being.
To help with this, most schools will have workshops and programs to help ease the lifestyle transition for first-year students. If you’re struggling academically, professors and TAs (Teacher’s Assistants) often hold office hours or learning sessions to cover complex subjects. And with campus clubs and committees available in every topic under the sun, you’re sure to find like-minded students who share an interest in your go-to pastimes.
Give them the freedom to just focus on the books.
Forgetting to find balance
In post-secondary, there are demands on your time like never before. A full course load can mean a lot of assignments, projects, and tests, and you might feel pressure to achieve the highest grades possible to get your dream job or get into grad school.
While these things are important, very few people have fond memories of their time studying. Look for ways to connect with others, indulge your passions and take time for yourself. Join clubs, attend social events, and look for a part-time job. Your experience will be richer for it.
Overusing social media
The internet is forever, so be careful with what you post online! What might be a quippy remark or an inside joke might come off as insensitive or rude, with long-term consequences. Whether for a part time summer job or your dream job, most employers will do a quick Google search on their applicants, immediately screening out anyone with red flags – so it’s just not worth the risk.
Even if you know how to use social media with discretion, try to maintain perspective with what you’re seeing on your most-used platforms. Overuse of social media has been linked to poor mental health outcomes since users tend to compare the challenges they’re experiencing in their own lives to the perfectly curated images or highlights produced by their favourite accounts. Being intentional about how much screen time you’re indulging in can help you stay balanced.
Staying in your comfort zone
Many students find themselves with a fair bit of spare time. Instead of spending it mindlessly scrolling on your phone, use the opportunity to try new things! You can meet people from different walks of life, study subjects you’d otherwise never be exposed to, and take up a new pursuit. Take advantage of your electives to take some classes on an offbeat topic you’ve always been curious about or try out a new hobby or sport. In other words, get out there!
Attending post-secondary can initially feel intimidating but remember that missteps at any stage of life are inevitable. The more important thing is to find ways to bounce back and get better, aiming for progress, not perfection. With a positive mindset and some healthy habits, you’re well-equipped to make the best of your time at school!

Embark is Canada’s education savings and planning company. The organization aims to help families and students along their post-secondary journeys, giving them innovative tools and advice to take hold of their bright futures and succeed.