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Embark RESP on cellphone

Get More With Embark When You Register

From picking the right school to figuring out how much you’ll need based on your goals, our industry-leading platform will help guide you throughout the entire post-secondary process. Sign up and try it today! There’s no commitment – you don’t even need an RESP.
Embark Career and School Matcher on cellphone

Embark Career & School Matcher

Pick a dream job and learn how to get there. Chart a post-secondary path based on their interests and desired profession.
Budgeting feature on cellphone

Budgeting Tool

Understand how much their education will cost. Forecast how much they’ll need for school and how to get there based on your goals.
RESP Management feature on cellphone

RESP Management

If you choose to open an RESP, you can see how your RESP is performing from the comfort of your home and make changes to your plan whenever needed.

Saving for the Future Has Never Been Easier

  • A plan that automatically adjusts to your timeline 
  • Simple, expert guidance helps make investing easy 
  • An innovative digital platform puts education savings at your fingertips 
  • Ability to share your plan between your children
A hand holding a smartphone displaying the "Embark Student Plan". The screen shows details of an "education savings" plan with a goal to collect $800 monthly, targeting $120,000