Deadlines and school bells seem so far away when temperatures are high and the sun sets late into the evening. But September has come back around and it’s already time to set your alarm for your first day of school. Whether you’ve been ready to return since you left, or wished summer would never end, it’s time to start prepping.
Here’s what you need to be prepared for the new school year—and we’re not just talking about pencils and notebooks.
Great intentions
Everyone starts their school year hoping it’ll be their best. But you can make it happen by setting goals or being intentional with how you spend the year. Getting good grades is a common one, but think bigger. You may want to finish the year with volunteer experience. Maybe you want to explore new interests or get a better handle on your future plans. You might opt to take a special class during a spare period or join an after-school club instead of heading straight home. These intentions will guide you each time you’re presented with a set of challenging choices.
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A healthy sense of self
Summer’s a great time to relax and have fun. But as September begins, start taking care of yourself with more structured sleep times and healthy meals, exercise, and downtime to rest your mind and body. If you’re having challenges with your mental health—maybe you’ve noticed feeling overly anxious or sad, lacking the motivation to do things you used to enjoy—speak to a trusted adult and get the support you need for the school year ahead.
A positive attitude
Maybe last year didn’t turn out quite the way you hoped. Or you’ve already been assigned teachers that aren’t your favourite. It’s easy to feel discouraged when things aren’t going as expected. Unfortunately, we’re never guaranteed smooth seas, and it’s up to us to make the best of the situations we find ourselves in. There’s no need to resort to toxic positivity either—you can’t force good vibes! Instead, focus on the parts you can control—your study habits, future class selection, the company you keep—and keep an open mind rather than assuming the worst.
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A sense of adventure
OK, we admit that “adventure” is a big word for attending classes and writing tests. But there are opportunities to step out of your comfort zone if you’re looking for them. You can join a new club or challenge yourself with a class on a topic you’ve never explored. You could consider a semester abroad or an out-of-classroom experience by earning a credit in an experiential program. Maybe it’s as simple as making new friends. School is a great chance to take some risks and learn more about who you are and who you want to be.
New school supplies
We’d be remiss if we left out a good back-to-school shopping trip! But first, check your backpack and last year’s supplies to see what you need. For the sake of your wallet and the environment, there’s no need to overbuy if what you have is still in good shape. Still, you’ll probably need fresh notebooks, pens, new clothing, and a daily agenda. Visiting your nearest mall and picking up some essentials for the upcoming school term is a great way to get excited about what’s ahead!
This school year will be packed with new experiences for you to enjoy and engage in. You know you have what it takes to succeed. Have a great time!

Embark is Canada’s education savings and planning company. The organization aims to help families and students along their post-secondary journeys, giving them innovative tools and advice to take hold of their bright futures and succeed.